Value: 1 INC (Indiya Coin) = 1 INR (Indian Rupees)

// OTC Desk

Indiya Coin OTC and Execution Solutions

Stablecoins INC: Digital rupees that always equals a rupees

Indiya Coin OTC and Execution Solutions platform is dedicated to serving private and institutional clients with the professional services and cutting-edge technology.

The prime choice for block trades, secure settlement and competitive pricing.

Fast & Competitive Pricing

Access competitive and firm pricing without the need to trade on order books.

Global Real-time Support

Powered by in-house technology, get real-time responses for immediate trading needs in fast markets.

Best-In-Class Services

Access best-in-class service from our team with experience from top global investment banks and exchanges.

We partner with respected trading desks and market makers to ensure INC stablecoins offer deep liquidity for the global market.